Not so long ago you would have needed two separate systems on your website: one for your marketing site/blog and another for your online store.

How many times have you had this experience? You click on a business website and you’re interested on one of their products. Everything looks nice and modern so you click on the navigation link for “store” and suddenly you’re on a completely different website. The look and feel is different, the navigation menu is different, and the overall style is… well let’s say,  clunky. You wonder what just happened and is this the store that you intended to go to or have you been hijacked to some scammer’s site? Now you’re not so sure about buying their product.

This is what happens when a business uses a different company for their online store.

Thankfully, today these two systems can easily be managed by fully integrating your shopping cart with your WordPress website. You have complete control to sell products or services as well as feature blog articles and other content. This ensures that customers experience the same design and quality from homepage to checkout and allows for a smooth overall experience for you visitors.